For printable copy of SPACE WALK instructions, click on the word: INSTRUCTIONS
To see a video of SPACE WALK being taught, click on the word: VIDEO
This activity helps actors use their imaginations and their bodies to convey different settings, i.e., spaces and conditions.
Ask the students to spread out in the playing area, and to begin walking in random patterns.
Next, say: “Now pretend you are walking through thick mud. Think about what it feels like and how your body would move.” Encourage the students to use their whole bodies as they move.
After a brief period, name another environment or condition for them to move through.
Continue naming environments, letting the students explore the space as they imagine each one.
Fun environments for Space Walk:
Now you are walking on a slippery, icy lake
Now you are wading through water up to your waist
Now the water is so deep you have to swim
Now you walking on a hot beach with bare feet
Now you are moving through thick clouds of cotton candy
Now you are walking…through snow and the air is very cold
…through the desert and you’re very hot and thirsty
…through tall grass–higher than your head
…through thorn bushes
…into a really, really strong wind
…through honey
…on the moon where you are really, really light
…on Jupiter where you are really, really heavy
…through mashed potatoes
…through feathers
© 2023, Friends of the Groom Theater Company
Curtains Up Curriculum by Friends of the Groom Theater Co. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Curtains Up is a training program designed for young actors sponsored by Friends of the Groom Theater Company.
It is available to the general public for free under the terms of the Creative Commons License above.