Friends of the Groom Recommendations
“They mix their professional skills with a wonderful understanding of what ministry is all about.”
“The refreshing combination of excellent acting, direction, and unusual material…”
“Friends of the Groom did an excellent job of making us think and laugh and see better.”
“Chicken soup for the Christian imagination.”
“I am thrilled with the material we got on tape...your enthusiasm, professionalism, and commitment made the videotaping session a success.”
“That was incredible this morning—just beautifully done. And the vignettes were wonderful!”
“Friends of the Groom are thoughtful, side-splitting, creative and soul-provoking. They present characters, poses, accents and attitudes that hold up a mirror (just slightly cracked) to our common journey of faith. Their work at the PAM conference at Montreat, N.C., this year was both biblical and magical. They made the worship sing.”
“Friends of the Groom’s impact was equivalent to how I picture Jesus speaking to a group…Jesus told the stories in such a way …that [those] hearing could actually see the love of God and know that God truly loved them…[In] the stories and scriptures Friends of the Groom shared…I could see the Father’s love for me—and all the participants saw it as well.”
“It was great to lead a service with a group of people who are just brimming with talent, but have none of the typical ego issues often associated with talent. Thank you for the skills and sensibilities you brought to that service.”
“So many people who otherwise would never come through the doors of [the] church were nurtured...Your creative way of sharing the Good News helped us to see and hear it in fresh ways, and inspires us to give ourselves over to making God’s love visible in a deeper and more vibrant way.”
“A-1, top-notch, fantastic and incredible…”
“Hooray…You have successfully lifted the walls of St. Luke’s Church in East Greenwich, Rhode Island off of its foundation!”
“What a pleasure to see liturgical drama that is good theater…A most enjoyable surprise.”
“[They] create a world as rich as any George Lucas spectacle...children were drawn to the edges of their seats…”
“Thanks for the borrowed light that shines through your creative work.”
“fresh, insightful, and theologically sound.”
“The presentation had just the right combination of lightness and probing stimulation...for the persons present. Beyond that...was the personal warmth and competence of you and your whole team.”
“Fabulous as always”
“There were so many positive responses from the attendees concerning your sharing. Your presentations, both humorous and Biblical, illustrated to us all that, when God given talents are used with devotion and enormous and thoughtful preparations, there will be blessings for all in the sharing.”
“Friends of the Groom cultivated, fostered, and launched many students’ hearts and gifts; therefore, releasing new potential, energy and impact for the Kingdom of God. Two thumbs up for FOG.”
“We hope you know how vital your ministry is to today’s church.”
“Just about the time I think I have heard everything and done everything in ministry, God plants something new and refreshing in my life—so it was for the Friends of the Groom...It made me want to start all over in ministry once again for the excitement you brought to my life.”
“[F]un and inspiring. What a great combo!”
“Thanks all of you for such a wonderful weekend. You brought many gifts to us. People are still filled with energy and spirit from the experience.”