For printable copy of MIRROR instructions, click on the word: INSTRUCTIONS
To see a video of MIRROR being taught, click on the word: VIDEO·
Ask the students to pair up and stand face-to-face a few feet apart. Tell them to relax and get used to looking at each other without talking. Then, pick one of the two to be the leader, and the other to be the mirror. The leader should start to move slowly, while their partner tries to match the movements.
Ideally, the mirroring student should be a perfect reflection of the leader. If either person is going too slow or too fast, their partner should speed up or slow down as needed to be better matched. The goal is to be so much in sync that if someone walked into the room they wouldn’t be able to tell who was leading and who was mirroring. Stress to the students: “You and your partner should strive to be fully matched, and not try to trick each other.”
Each person in the pair should take a turn being the leader and a turn being the mirror–so after a minute or two, ask the students to switch roles. (As students become more proficient in this game, you can suggest they switch the roles of leader and mirror back and forth without speaking—simply by paying very close attention to one another.)
© 2023, Friends of the Groom Theater Company
Curtains Up Curriculum by Friends of the Groom Theater Co. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Curtains Up is a training program designed for young actors sponsored by Friends of the Groom Theater Company.
It is available to the general public for free under the terms of the Creative Commons License above.