Instructions for Chorus Members:

We need a video/audio recording of you singing “Away in a Manger” using the accompaniment track you can hear by clicking below:

You can also download the music track to play it by clicking here: AWAY IN A MANGER MUSIC TRACK DOWNLOAD

You can use a smart phone to make the recording of your voice. When you make the recording, you should sing along with the music track—but use a computer to play the music--and listen to the music using earbuds. Your voice will be recorded on your cell phone, but you do not want the music coming from the computer to be recorded on your cell phone. Make sure there is not a lot of background noise when you make the recording.

If you include a video with the audio of your singing, the video should be of your face and head, not your whole body. Make sure your face is well lit, and that there is not a lot of light behind you.

Label the audio/video file you make: “Away in a Manger.” Follow your director’s instructions for how to get the recording back to him/her.

Instructions for Shepherds and All Angels:

We need an audio recording of you saying your lines. Use earphones connected to your computer to hear how the line is supposed to be said.

You can hear the line for “All Angels” spoken by clicking below:

You can hear the line for “All Shepherds” spoken by clicking below:

Use your cell phone to record yourself saying the lines—and try to match your line exactly to the way it is spoken in the tracks above. We don’t need a video of you saying your lines, but you can use the video camera on your cell phone to make the recording if you wish.

Label the audio/video file you make: “All Shepherds” or “All Angels.” Follow your director’s instructions for how to get the recording back to him/her.

Instructions for Narrators, Gabriel, Mary, Angel 2, Angel 3, and Magi 1, 2 and 3:

We need an audio recording of you saying your lines. Use your cell phone to record yourself saying the lines. We don’t need a video of you saying your lines, but you can use the video camera on your cell phone to make the recording if you wish.

Label the audio/video file you make with the character name and line number/s found in the script. Follow your director’s instructions for how to get the recording back to him/her.